
Affichage des articles du 2019

Hypnose du sommeil - Jardin vers la lumière


« Oh ! la bonne petite pluie ! »

« Oh ! la bonne petite pluie ! »             « Voici une petite pluie ; vous êtes dans la rue, vous ouvrez votre parapluie ; c’est assez.  À quoi bon dire : « Encore cette sale pluie ! » ; cela ne leur fait rien du tout aux gouttes d’eau, ni au nuage, ni au vent.  Pourquoi ne dites-vous pas aussi bien :  « Oh ! la bonne petite pluie ! »  Je vous entends, cela ne fera rien du tout aux gouttes d’eau ; c’est vrai ; mais  cela vous sera bon à vous  ; tout votre corps se secouera et véritablement s’échauffera, car tel est l’effet du plus petit mouvement de joie ; et vous voilà comme il faut être pour recevoir la pluie sans prendre un rhume. Et prenez aussi les hommes comme la pluie.  Cela n’est pas facile, dites-vous. Mais si ; c’est bien plus facile que pour la pluie.  Car votre sourire ne fait rien à la pluie, mais il fait beaucoup aux hommes , et, simplement par imitation, il les rend déjà moins tristes et moins ennuyeux. Sans compter que vous leur trouverez

L'Effet Pygmalion


Poème Invictus


INVICTUS - Bande Annonce Officielle (VF) - Morgan Freeman / Matt Damon /...


Franschhoek Wine


Serengeti Hot Air Balloon Safari


Incredible 4k drone footage of Namibia like never seen before


Azura Retreats: Azura Benguerra Island


Become calm and zen

Dear friend, If you are suffering from anxiety, stress, endless worries, and depression… you need to stop whatever you are doing right now and read this page. You are about to discover the ultimate solution to wash away anxiety and all negative thoughts... so you can be fearless, live life on your own terms, and become the best version of yourself. But first, have a look if you are experiencing any of these symptoms: Excessive Worrying Feeling Agitated Restlessness Fatigue Difficulty Concentrating Tense Muscles Trouble Sleeping Panic Attacks Avoiding Social Situations If you let anxiety and all the other symptoms mentioned above creep into your life... it will only snowball into bigger problems. More anxiety attacks, more stress, more things that you will fear and lose opportunities. All these negative feelings will only set you back, stops you from reaching your goal, and keep your potential hidden inside you. Anxiety is one of the hidden symptoms that



Happiness through self care

"Finally! End Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout By Following This Simple Plan to Soothe and Care For Your Body, Mind, and Spirit" How Learning the Power of Self-Care Can Literally Transform Your Life and Make You Happier, Healthier, And More Productive Does it ever feel as though life is just hard? Do you ever just feel tired of what can sometimes seem like a constant slog? Do you find yourself beating yourself up for not finishing work on time? Or for not doing as much as you think you should? When we are constantly pushing ourselves and berating ourselves, life loses its color. It loses its fun. And ultimately, it becomes somewhat meaningless. The truth of the matter is that most of us mistreat ourselves or neglect ourselves. When was the last time you made a mistake and then beat yourself up for it? Really berated yourself and felt miserable for days after? If you’re like a lot of people, then the answer is probably “yesterday!” Now ask yoursel

The power of perseverance

Ever wondered why you always give up on things? Here are some of the great advices on the power of perseverance so you will never give up ever again! Dear : Do you find it difficult persevere with so many demands on your time? If so, you are not alone. Perseverance can be difficult for most of us. A few years ago I began having major problems with both my career and my personal life. As a result, I was suffering from large amounts of stress that impacted my health. I knew I needed to find a way to persevere but I just couldn’t seem to do it. As time went on, the stress became worse and so did my health. I knew I had to do something. That’s when I decided I had to find out more about perseverance. I knew I owed it to myself and my family to get a handle on this once and for all! What I discovered completely changed my life! How did I do it? I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on perseverance does just that! Introducing ... The Po

Jeux videos pour les seniors

Comment fixer et atteindre vos objectifs


Maurice Ravel: Quatuor à cordes en fa majeur (Arcanto Quartett)


If You Want To Escape Poverty, DO THIS NOW!


John Assaraf - SUBCONSCIOUS BRAIN REPROGRAMMING (law of attraction)


Laughter yoga with Surat Tennis Club Members in Dec 2014


Laughter Yoga: Sharon de Meneges at TEDxUtrechtUniversity


Être Jeune - Poème - Général Mac Arthur (1945)




The Power Of Positive Thinking

FREE:  Discover The 7 Simple Ways To Make Positive Thinking Your Habit... ***Limited Time Only: Grab This FREE Gift Now!***

Kids United Nouvelle Génération - La Tendresse (Clip Officiel)


Ressentir la gratitude chaque jour ET être à l’aise financièrement...

Ressentir la gratitude chaque jour ET être à l’aise financièrement... Bonjour, DERNIER JOUR - DERNIÈRE CHANCE ! Ce soir à 21h, Roger va vous montrer en direct  comment exploser vos revenus. Ça fonctionne tellement bien que les utilisateurs de cette méthode unique  “Les Clés de l’Abondance”  ont accepté de  témoigner . Il s’agit de votre dernière chance pour devenir un Maître de l’Abondance. En effet le programme  “Les Clés de l’Abondance”   ferme ses portes ce soir à minuit. Et c’est probablement votre toute  dernière opportunité  d’accéder à ce programme unique. Aucune ouverture n’est prévu à ce jour l’année prochaine. Bref, la balle est dans votre camp maintenant, allez-vous la renvoyez ? Voulez-vous réclamer tous les cadeaux que la vie VEUT vous offrir ? Pour cela cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour réserver votre place pour ce séminaire en direct qui s’annonce EXCEPTIONNEL. Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire à cet événement gratuit : https://lesclesdelabondanc



C'est parti pour l’Abondance pour Vous !

Bonjour, Mon ami Roger Lannoy vient tout juste de publier une nouvelle vidéo  choc  pour vous. Il a ouvert grand les portes pour vous offrir l’Abondance sur un plateau. Cliquez ici pour en profiter dès aujourd’hui : Attention Roger a pris une décision importante avec le programme Les Clés de l’Abondance et… Ça ne va pas forcément plaire à tout le monde ! C’est pourquoi, je vous recommande de regarder cette vidéo jusqu’à la fin. Cliquez ici pour tout savoir : Bonne découverte ! Patrick  P.S :  Je sais cette vidéo peut vous sembler un peu longue… Mais elle vaut vraiment le coup d’être regardée jusqu’au bout : Vous allez y découvrir  en plus  une offre spéciale pour célébrer cette grande annonce, et vous pouvez en profiter dès aujourd’hui pendant un temps limité. Regardez cette vidéo maintenant tant qu’elle est encore disponible. Après il sera trop tard, Roger

3 Simple Keys for Overcoming Negativity in Your Life

3 Simple Keys for Overcoming Negativity in Your Life Having constant negative thoughts pouring through your mind will quickly put a damper on your creativity, and tends to get in the way of realizing your true potential. While we all know that being more positive and optimistic in our lives will help us find success, but many struggle to make the change from a negative to a positive mindset. Here are five simple keys to help you overcome negativity and change your life. Recognize When You Are Using Negative Thoughts Often, when we are being ridiculed, facing disappointment, or not wanting to put in the effort, we'll use negative thoughts to protect ourselves. When we think negative thoughts, like "It won't work," or "I can't do that," we are permitting ourselves to play it safe. When you catch yourself thinking negatively and talking yourself out of action, take a step back and remind yourself that the most successful people have also faced

[Free ebook] The Real Magic of Success & Abundance Hi  I'm crazily excited to share with you [this new book] written  by my friend Eddie Sergey, who is a truly self-made and  financially abundant entrepreneur. Not only did he manage to overcome all the disadvantages he suffered in his childhood, he is now living the life of his dreams. A bountiful life where he feels abundant in  all aspects of his life..  be it health, wealth or love. As I read the book, my mind was literarily shifted from the  depths of winter into an invincible summer. What's exciting: - The FIRST STEP you must take to be a creator of your    own destiny.. where success can be ANYTHING you    can envision (Pg. 5) - This ONE THING you must expunge from your life    if you wish to attain abundance. (See Chapter 2) - The "P______ Effect" and how YOU can harness this to   shape your destiny. (Pg. 13) - You're stuck with the brain you were bo

"Get Paid For Your Opinions Today!"

Get 70% Lifetime Recurring Commissions! Our $1 Trial Is Converting 1 Out Of 30 Hops! The Newest And Highest Converting Survey Site In Cb! Real And Direct Jobs From Hundreds Of Companies! Thousands Of Paid Surveys Listed Each Month! Make More Money with us!

Next time your man shuts you out do this

If you’ve ever experienced the pain of an emotionally dead relationship or if you’ve ever had a man suddenly pull away and shut you out... Then what you’re about to find out will completely change the way men treat you and even how YOU experience relationships. Because at the end of the day, men secretly want just one thing. And once you understand this one crucial craving that men have… It will be plain as day to you  why it’s the #1 reason men pull away   when it’s missing from a relationship. In fact, this one secret male obsession is the biggest key to being truly irresistible to a man... in a way that goes far beyond physical attraction. And when you know it, you’ll never struggle to keep a man interested or connected on a deep emotional level the way most women do. Thousands of women who discovered this one male desire have used it to turn hopeless situations into the life fulfilling relationships they always dreamed of. The kind of loving companionship and exci

Magic “Money Wand” Manifests CASH In 24 Hours!

Hi,  If you’re struggling paycheck to paycheck... or feel trapped under a growing mountain of debt... There’s no need to worry any longer because spirit has got your back! Starting in the next 24 hours  after seeing this video,  you WILL receive a financial blessing in your life... I’m talking about receiving $500.00... $1,000.00... even up to $10,000.00 in beautiful, spendable cash! And the craziest part? All it takes to activate this angelic gift is a wave of your real-life “Magic Wand”... Go Here Now To Activate This AWESOME 24 Hour “Instant Wealth Secret!” To A World of REAL-LIFE Magic! P.S. This video is unlike ANYTHING you’re used to seeing. It’s not from some big name celebrity teacher or guru... BUT it comes from one of the last places you’d ever expect... A mysterious “Uber Driving Guardian Angel.” Go here now & attract money into your life starting in the next 24 hours!

LE YOGA DU RIRE avec Martine Medjber (sens & expérience)


Les vertus de l'échec de Charles Pépin (en 5 idées simples)


L'homme le plus RICHE de Babylone


#RogerVousRaconte Ep. 4 : "L’homme le plus riche de Babylone" de George...


L'homme le plus riche de Babylone - comment devenir riche


OneRepublic - Rescue Me


Mon Nouveau programme

Découvrez comment générer jusqu'à 1000€/mois en seulement 30 jours grâce aux livres numériques sans investir 1€ et sans écrire un seul mot.



Quick Coherence Technique HeartMath - Dr. Kim D'Eramo


BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - Kanye West Motivation


The Pursuit of Happyness (5/8) Movie CLIP - Basketball and Dreams (2006) HD


Arnold Schwarzenegger - success motivational speech #3


Mon nouveau Programme Best Seller

Hey salut   Waaaa hier nous étions plus de 300 connectés, il y a un VERITABLE engouement pour cette formation ! Et c’est normal car nous avons partagé une technique pour générer jusqu'à 1000€/mois (ou plus), sans investir 1€ et en seulement 30 jours, ça a fait un carton !!! >>>  Clique ici pour voir le replay disponible 24h. PROGRAMME BEST-SELLER : Ce programme en 5 étapes  te partage le plan d'action à copier/coller pour créer un ebook sans écrire un seul mot et le vendre comme des petits pains sans devoir investir dans de la publicité afin de gagner jusqu'à 1000€/mois (ou plus) en 30 jours. Etape 1 : Les Idées qui rapportent vraiment Dans cette première étape nous te partageons nos clefs pour trouver des idées d'ebook qui rapportent vraiment afin de générer un revenu presque garanti. Etape 2 : Créer son livre sans écrire un seul mot Nous te partageons nos astuces pour créer ton livre sans écrire un seul mot et de façon 100% grat