Who is Patrick Taranto ?

He is a researcher reporter in HR and a result maker to get people hired and companies get top talent

- 20 years of experience in HR
- His philosophy is "Find your voice" . He wants to help other people to find their calling and companies to get top talent.
- His personal path : After his master degree in ESCP Europe , he struggled to become a consultant in one of the most prestigious HR company then after resigning due to strategic divergences with management he battled to found his own company Media JD .
- He is now the author of Quick Start Job Guide and Adequatis Career Guide .He is also the editor of several ebooks on entrepreneurship, personal and professional development .
- He has more  454 contacts on linkedin , 4000 views on Youtube
- He has partners all over the world
- He went from 0 sales to more than 10 big projects  per year
- He has hundreds of testimonials from satisfied customers and clients.
- He had some press coverage ( par exemple ESCP magazine)
- He has a lot of prestigious clients ( Businesses and consumers)
- He has developped more than 50 products 
The 5 main ones are :
  1. Book + workbook + 7 CDs: 197 €
  2. Seminars : 1997 € 
  3. Coaching program : 1997 € per month 
  4. Continuity Program : 97 € per month 
  5.  Deluxe program : 497 € 


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