
Affichage des articles du octobre, 2010

3 Minutes of pure INSPIRATION

It almost sounds too simple to feel important, but one word...gratitude, can change your attitude, and thus your life, forever. Sarah Breathnach said it best... "When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present... We experience heaven on earth." So, sit back, crank up your speakers and watch this as many times as you need! Also remember to forward it to those you care about and believe would benefit from its message as well. Click Here And Watch It Now Be sure to watch to the very end of the movie - you'll discover how with just a couple quick clicks you can help transform the world into a better place! (and it's easier than you think)

Kevin Hall on Power of Words

The 7 wonders

I don't know about you, but I really enjoy those moments when I'm presented with a new answer to an old question. At times we get into our routines and sort of become numb to our surroundings and because of that miss out on life's little treasures. But if you slow down enough... life's most priceless possessions reveal themselves. That's what this 3 minute movie is all about. So sit back, turn up your speakers and enjoy! Click Here And Watch It Now And be sure to share it with friends and family. They'll thank you for it!

L'optimiste par Philippe Gabillet professeur à l'ESCP

This is good ! interview Phillipe Gabilliet - l'optimiste envoyé par med_hi . - L'info video en direct.

Let' s link on Facebook

To be updated on the lattest strategies on personal and professional development How to strategically communicate with your future employer ? How to use social media for your personal and professional development ?

Lifebook :

Dr Joseph Murphy : The power of the subconscious mind

A classical opus of personal development Change your life by changing your beliefs! This user's guide to the mind explains how to control subconscious thoughts with the techniques of autosuggestion and visualization. Its simple, practical mental exercises eliminate subconscious obstacles blocking the achievement of goals and desires. Build self-confidence, attain professional and financial success, and develop other life-enhancing benefits. From the Publisher "I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of life all over the world." -- Dr. Joseph Murphy. At last, a great new scientific discovery brings the incredible force of your subconscious mind under your control. Here are the simple, scientifically proven techniques and the astonishing facts about how your subconscious powers can perform miracles of healing. - How your subconscious mind can win you friends, peace of mind, and even help you to attract the ideal mate. - How your dreams can hel

The Power of Intention - Dr. Wayne Dyer

La positive attitude Olivia Toja

Au sommaire de ce livre : Comment faire son bilan bien être ? Comment préparer le terrain pour avoir un moral d'acier ? Comment se construire un moi à toute épreuve ? A.Travailler l'estime de soi 1. arreter de se dévaloriser 2.prendre consciencede soi 3.accepter ses limites 4.coacher son estime de soi 5.agir B. exprimer ses émotions C. s'affirmer Comment résister à la pression ? A. appprendre à dire non B. connaitre ses limites C.Gérer les conflits D. comment supporter les autres ( quand ils sont pleins d'ondes négatives ) ecoutez leur point de vue sans le prendre à titre personnel  Comment se relaxer? Comment apprendre à être optimiste ? Comment se faire du bien  ? Comment se dessiner un avenir tout rose ( sans fumer la moquette )? Les phrases qui font du bien Exemple :je mérite d'être heureux et de réussir ce que j'entreprends.  Petit glossaire de la positive attitude  Youkaidi ;Youkaida " Notre avis : un petit l

La positive attitude de Lorie

La positive attitude  "La tete haute les yeux rives sur le temps et j'apprends à regarder droit devant" je suis pret à tout surmonter  La positive attitude Lorie, La positive attitude, Héloise Monteiro,  Johnny Williams CLIP LORIE - LA POSITIVE ATTITUDE (2004) envoyé par lorieofficiel . - Regardez d'autres vidéos de musique.

La positive attitude des paresseuses Olivia Toja

Vous en avez assez de la pression permanente, du rythme endiablé, de l'angoisse qui vous tord le ventre et des soucis qui vous empêchent de dormir ? Stoooooop ! Vous êtes plutôt du genre à dire que le verre est à moitié vide, à penser que vous avez déjà mangé votre pain blanc, que le pire est à venir... pfff, c'est pas bien gai ! En lisant ce guide, vous comprendrez que le bonheur dépend de peu de choses, et notamment d'une certaine manière d'appréhender la vie, d'un état d'esprits d'une forme d'optimisme général : en 3 mots, une positive attitude ! Vous trouverez ici des idées, des astuces et des exercices pratiques pour reprendre confiance en vous, pour vous sentir vaillante et épanouie, pour supporter la pression plus facilement pour donner du piquant à votre vie, pour épicer vos relations aux autres et pour booster votre mental. En gros, pour vous lever chaque jour du bon pied. Le tout, sans faire beaucoup d'efforts. C'est pas beau ça ? Bi

Self-Love expert Christine Arylo on View from the Bay

Life strategies Mc Graw

Author and reader Phillip McGraw is at the forefront of a group of self-help gurus rethinking Americans' decade-plus-long celebration of victimhood. Calling himself a realist, he outlines 10 ways to take responsibility for and change your life. His reading mirrors the style of the weekend motivational seminars he conducts, designed to spark the listener into action. The lively pace crackles with such gems as, "My dad had taught me there are times in life where you just don't want to miss a good chance to shut up." From Publishers Weekly "After advising Oprah Winfrey in her successful defense against accusations of slander by the beef industry, McGraw, a behavior specialist and trial expert, now makes appearances on Oprah's program as a member of her "Change Your Life TV Team," joining such other luminaries of self-help as Suze Orman, John Gray and Iyanla Vanzant. While McGraw's presentation may play well on the small screen, it suffers

Change your life in 7 days Paul Mc kenna

Success and happiness are not accidents that happen to some people and not to others. They are created by specific ways of thinking and acting in the world. Paul McKenna has made a study of highly successful and effective people, and distilled core strategies and techniques that will help the reader to begin to think in the same way as a super-achiever. Learn how to master your emotions and run your own brain, how to have supreme self-confidence and become the person you really want to be. Paul McKenna's simple seven-day plan really will change your life for ever. Brilliantly effective self-improvement, in the bestselling tradition of Unlimited Power and The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. ********************************** This book includes a free CD : CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN SEVEN DAYS MIND PROGRAMMING CD