
Affichage des articles du juin, 2023

The Law of attraction

H ere are 50 individuals who have influenced or contributed to the field of the Law of Attraction. Rhonda Byrne Esther Hicks Jerry Hicks Louise Hay Dr. Wayne Dyer Napoleon Hill Bob Proctor Joe Vitale Jack Canfield Neale Donald Walsch Deepak Chopra Mike Dooley Marci Shimoff James Arthur Ray Charles F. Haanel Michael Bernard Beckwith Lisa Nichols John Assaraf David R. Hawkins Florence Scovel Shinn Wallace D. Wattles Eckhart Tolle Abraham Maslow Joe Dispenza Norman Vincent Peale John Demartini Neville Goddard Pam Grout Lynne McTaggart Gregg Braden Sonia Ricotti - Bestselling author of "Unsinkable" and Law of Attraction coach. Gabrielle Bernstein - Motivational speaker, life coach, and author. Byron Katie - Speaker and author of "The Work", her teachings align with many Law of Attraction principles. Stuart Wilde - Author of metaphysical and self-help books. Catherine Ponder - Wrote many books on prosperity and the Law of Attraction. Abraham Hicks - A group of entities c

5 applications pour méditer

  Voici le classement des cinq applications gratuites de méditation et de relaxation pour Android et iPhone, selon : Petit BamBou : Cette application offre une méthode très visuelle pour vous guider vers l'état de pleine conscience. Les séances sont accompagnées d'allégories courtes qui illustrent les principes fondamentaux de la méditation. Vous pouvez également profiter de méditations libres et d'une fonctionnalité "Crise de calme" pour gérer les situations tendues en moins de trois minutes. Petit BamBou propose des rappels, des statistiques de séances et la possibilité de télécharger les méditations pour une écoute hors ligne. Pleine Conscience : Cette application propose un pas-à-pas pratique pour (ré)apprendre les principes fondamentaux de la méditation. Vous pouvez personnaliser la durée des méditations guidées et choisir d'ajouter des ambiances sonores relaxantes. Des rappels, des statistiques personnelles et des pensées positives du jou

Embracing Mindfulness Meditation: An Effective Pathway to Mental Wellness

Embracing Mindfulness Meditation: An Effective Pathway to Mental Wellness In our current world, characterised by fast-paced digital interactions and never-ending streams of information, the mind can often find itself under siege. Amidst the constant whirlwind of thoughts, it's not uncommon for some of us to grapple with darker, toxic thoughts that can evoke stress, anxiety, and in more severe cases, lead to depression. Fortunately, the toolbox for mental wellbeing isn't barren; in fact, it's equipped with a powerful instrument known as mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation is an ancient practice that is gaining recognition in modern psychological therapies for its profound benefits on mental wellbeing. It's a form of mental training that asks you to slow down, to move your attention away from the chaos of life, and focus gently on the present moment. It's about observing your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment or criticism. This prac