The Law of attraction

Here are 50 individuals who have influenced or contributed to the field of the Law of Attraction.

  1. Rhonda Byrne
  2. Esther Hicks
  3. Jerry Hicks
  4. Louise Hay
  5. Dr. Wayne Dyer
  6. Napoleon Hill
  7. Bob Proctor
  8. Joe Vitale
  9. Jack Canfield
  10. Neale Donald Walsch
  11. Deepak Chopra
  12. Mike Dooley
  13. Marci Shimoff
  14. James Arthur Ray
  15. Charles F. Haanel
  16. Michael Bernard Beckwith
  17. Lisa Nichols
  18. John Assaraf
  19. David R. Hawkins
  20. Florence Scovel Shinn
  21. Wallace D. Wattles
  22. Eckhart Tolle
  23. Abraham Maslow
  24. Joe Dispenza
  25. Norman Vincent Peale
  26. John Demartini
  27. Neville Goddard
  28. Pam Grout
  29. Lynne McTaggart
  30. Gregg Braden
  31. Sonia Ricotti - Bestselling author of "Unsinkable" and Law of Attraction coach.
  32. Gabrielle Bernstein - Motivational speaker, life coach, and author.
  33. Byron Katie - Speaker and author of "The Work", her teachings align with many Law of Attraction principles.
  34. Stuart Wilde - Author of metaphysical and self-help books.
  35. Catherine Ponder - Wrote many books on prosperity and the Law of Attraction.
  36. Abraham Hicks - A group of entities channeled by Esther Hicks, teaching about the Law of Attraction.
  37. Maxwell Maltz - Plastic surgeon and author of "Psycho-Cybernetics."
  38. Loral Langemeier - Motivational speaker, author, and coach.
  39. Robert Anthony - Wrote many books about self-confidence and the Law of Attraction.
  40. Lester Levenson - Created The Release Technique, a self-help program.
  41. Brian Tracy - Self-help author and motivational speaker.
  42. Thomas Troward - Influential in the New Thought Movement, which includes Law of Attraction teachings.
  43. Emmet Fox - New Thought spiritual leader.
  44. Shakti Gawain - Author of books such as "Creative Visualization."
  45. Dan Millman - Author of "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior."
  46. William Walker Atkinson - New Thought author who wrote on the Law of Attraction.
  47. Prentice Mulford - One of the founders of the New Thought movement.
  48. Tony Robbins - Life coach, motivational speaker, and self-help author.
  49. Denise Duffield-Thomas - Law of Attraction mentor and money mindset coach.
  50. Ronda Byrne - Author of "The Power" and "The Magic", books further exploring the concepts introduced in "The Secret".


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