Need a picker-upper today? (new video from Marci Shimoff)
Last week I told you about Sonia Ricotti’s new
#1 bestseller book Unsinkable: How to Bounce Back
Quickly When Life Knocks You Down and how she was
giving away some incredible gifts (at no-charge!).
She’s giving away:
1) A series of (free) videos on how you can bounce
back from nearly anything, and...
2) An impressive teleseminar series of 24 interviews
from some of the world’s most successful
(and unsinkable) coaches, mentors, and visionaries!
Well, she just released the third video in the
Unsinkable Video Series featuring New York Times
bestselling author Marci Shimoff (she was also one
of the featured teachers in The Secret).
Check it out now:
Some of what Marci shares with you in this powerful,
yet short video is:
• The importance of living in a state of
unconditional love during challenging times
• Why the Universe WANTS you to win
• Her version of the 3-Step formula that melts
depression, fatigue, and anxiety
• The highly intuitive question you need to ask
yourself that solves many of life’s challenges
on its own
• Plus more advanced ideas for breaking free of
the fog that comes with challenges in life.
If you are going through any type of adversity in your
life right now, this is a must-watch -- it only takes a few
minutes and it will be well worth your time.
Click here to view the video
P.S. If you haven’t taken advantage of the amazing (free)
gifts Sonia is giving away, don’t worry, you still have
the chance to get them now. Check it out.
#1 bestseller book Unsinkable: How to Bounce Back
Quickly When Life Knocks You Down and how she was
giving away some incredible gifts (at no-charge!).
She’s giving away:
1) A series of (free) videos on how you can bounce
back from nearly anything, and...
2) An impressive teleseminar series of 24 interviews
from some of the world’s most successful
(and unsinkable) coaches, mentors, and visionaries!
Well, she just released the third video in the
Unsinkable Video Series featuring New York Times
bestselling author Marci Shimoff (she was also one
of the featured teachers in The Secret).
Check it out now:
Some of what Marci shares with you in this powerful,
yet short video is:
• The importance of living in a state of
unconditional love during challenging times
• Why the Universe WANTS you to win
• Her version of the 3-Step formula that melts
depression, fatigue, and anxiety
• The highly intuitive question you need to ask
yourself that solves many of life’s challenges
on its own
• Plus more advanced ideas for breaking free of
the fog that comes with challenges in life.
If you are going through any type of adversity in your
life right now, this is a must-watch -- it only takes a few
minutes and it will be well worth your time.
Click here to view the video
P.S. If you haven’t taken advantage of the amazing (free)
gifts Sonia is giving away, don’t worry, you still have
the chance to get them now. Check it out.