Ready To Take Your Business To The Next Level?
Ready To Take Your Business
To The Next Level?
Fellow Entrepreneur,
We are currently experiencing a serious global crisis.
For me it feels like déjà vu from the global financial crisis of 2008, or from 9/11.
In the next 6-12 months (or less), some business owners will see their incomes and business revenues grow massively – while others will fall behind by 5 years or more. Many will go bankrupt and never recover.
There are some things I need to tell you
–and they might not be easy to hear–but they are VITAL for you to know in this time of crisis.
Some people will not be ready to hear or accept these facts.
Others will agree and choose to make the most of the life-changing opportunity that is presenting itself right now–take advantage of the huge financial windfall in front of us, and play an important part in our global recovery.
The first thing you should know is that in bad times (crisis, conflict, recession or even depressions) things usually move faster than they do in good times.
This means that you’ll feel the effect of anything you do (or don’t do) more quickly, and that the results will be more intense.
It also means that when you see a massive opportunity, you must seize it, or else someone else will take it from you. Competition is fierce.
Now, if you know exactly what to do and how to do it in these crazy times then you really don’t need me.
If, on the other hand you are confused, uncertain, maybe a little fearful for the health and survival of your business, or you just want to seize this massive financial opportunity before you, you need to pay close attention
The truth is that the whole world has completely changed in a matter of months.
And, this change is going to continue. (Many brilliant people actually think the rate of change will accelerate.)
The marketing and sales strategies that worked 3-6 months ago won’t work today.
This is NOT the time to react. It’s the time to be calm so you can respond intelligently.
When the world and markets change this quickly you have to change with them. You MUST adapt...or risk big financial losses (and a lot of personal pain and suffering). The world of business has changed, and so has the mindset and behavior of your consumers. How they’re making buying decisions and who they buy from has shifted.
If you haven’t adjusted to match how they are making decisions… you are falling behind and putting the success of your business and future at risk.
One of the greatest skills you can develop right now is what I call... Being an adaptationist.
An adaptationist in your mindset, your marketing and your sales approach and process.
This is where the latest in neuroscience and neuropsychology comes into play. (If that sounds daunting to you, don’t worry–I’ve been teaching this way of thinking about marketing and sales for over 20 years and I know how to make it dirt simple.)
If you’re not using the “neuro” approach, you’ll be drowned out by the millions of other businesses yelling to be heard in a crowded marketplace, trying to get people to buy from them.
Finding enough new leads and qualified buyers to sustain your business (let alone make a profit) will be nearly impossible if you’re still using the same old methods and techniques.
My intention is not to frighten you, but to get across how serious this situation is.
Your prospects are feeling fear and uncertainty, and this unpredictability is dominating their mind and lives. They don’t know who to trust, who to follow, or who to buy from.
The part of your prospect’s brain that’s making most of the decisions has changed from the Logical Brain to the Emotional Brain or the Instinctual/Survival Brain (see the image below).
And, actually, most people don’t use their Logical Brain to make most decisions even when they aren’t overwhelmed by a global crisis!
The most successful marketers and business people have always appealed to these 3 parts of the brain (and done so in a specific order) to make their offers irresistible.
Unfortunately, few business owners understand how to leverage the proven psychological and emotional triggers that make catching the attention of prospects and turning them into eager buyers easy.
You must lead your prospects down a safe and smart decision making process or they will be attracted to the company who knows how to do what I am talking about. Do you really want them to buy from your competition instead of from you just because you don’t know how to market and sell the right way for today’s market conditions?
The smart “Neuro-Marketer” who can apply the latest in Neuro-Marketing and Neuro-Sales techniques and strategies knows how to target their ideal client and not waste time or money marketing to “tire kickers” and people who will waste their time and money.
They know how to create irresistible offers that grab attention and convert like crazy. They use specific “neuro-language patterns” that connect emotionally with their prospects and make them feel safe and secure instead of uncomfortable or uncertain.
The world of marketing and sales has changed as a result of our new understanding about the brain and how and why people choose to buy from one company or person instead of another.
Businesses that aren’t following the latest in Neuro-Marketing and Neuro-Sales and don’t innovate and adapt quickly will suffer a deadly blow and disappear forever, or will fight tooth and nail to stay alive and earn a meager income over the next several years.
In the next six months, there are 3 basic paths your business can follow:
Things can get worse. Much Worse…
Things can stay about the same…
Things can get better. Way Better...
Have a look at this “3 Possible Futures” diagram created by my friend Simon Bowen, Founder of the Models Method:
Even if you work more hours and put in more effort than you ever have, if you’re using the same marketing and sales strategies, my prediction is that you work really really hard to survive. If you don’t put in the time or effort and things will get much worse for you and your family.
There is however a much smarter and easier option for you…
Choose to apply the latest Neuro-Marketing and Neuro-Sales strategies and techniques, my prediction is that you will not only survive but thrive and earn more income, gain traction, and increase the value of your business in the next 6-12 months.
To help you get started on the path to thriving…
I put together the Business Breakthrough Challenge for people who want to set themselves up to come out of the COVID-19 crisis better than they went in…and I want to help YOU do just that.
So if you’re ready to get focused, take action, and WIN – I want you to join me for this challenge.
Imagine what you can achieve after I give you the benefit of my 35+ years of business growth experience in a matter of days, and the momentum you’ll build after doing powerful daily exercises that will help you position your offers in ways that attract the most ready buyers who want what you have to offer.
Click the button below and join the Business Breakthrough Challenge today.