Meet Brendon

Do you know Brendon Burchard? The Experts Academy guy?

If not, you've got to watch this killer content video from him.

It shows a million-dollar plan on how you can start from scratch
and become a highly-paid expert through books, speeches,
coaching, and online marketing. He breaks it down into "Four Ps":

Brendon made $4.6 million in his first 18 months in this
industry, and this video shows exactly how and why.

(At the end of the video, Brendon gives this insane plan for how
to make a million dollars as an expert. Watch the numbers,
they add up. Wish I knew that when I started).

I just heard about Brendon last year when he was taking
the world by storm. Out of nowhere he was onstage with
Tony Robbins, Sir Richard Branson, the Dalia Lama,
Stephen Covey, Paula Abdul, Frank Kern, Jeff Walker,
Mike Koenigs... everybody!

All the while he's doing it by sharing his life's story, inspiring
others, giving highly-valued information, and building an empire
as an author, speaker, coach, seminar leader, and online marketer.

The incredible thing is that he's done this all by focusing
on just four things: Positioning, Packaging, Promoting, and Partnering.

See what I mean in his complimentary video - it's REALLY well done:

Enjoy the video. And take notes. Trust me, it's worth the optin.

-- Brendon

Ps. Brendon's video -- especially the expert positioning model
and the million-dollar plan -- are amazing. He says he's taking
questions on the blog, so watch and comment. No wonder
this guy is blowing up. He's sure got cred:
-- Tony Robbins thinks Brendon is "smarter than hell"

-- Brian Tracy says Brendon is the "smartest, nicest,
most creative marketers I've ever met"

-- Paula Abdul says he's "captivating, present, magnetic
and awesome"

-- NY-Times best-seller Dr. Daniel Amen "wishes I would
have met him 20 years ago .. it would have put my business
and myself as an expert in hyperspeed"


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