WATCH THIS before it's pulled

Brendon Burchard just posted an INCREDIBLE webinar
that you can watch without opting-in or anything.

It's called "10 Secrets of Millionaire Experts and Information
Marketers" and it's dead on.

Since it doesn't cost anything I don't think it will be up for
long so check it out. Here's my outline:

-- Choose Your Topic
-- Choose Your Audience
-- Choose Your Vehicle
-- Campaign
-- How experts earn $1,000,000 (this was fascinating)

WARNING: Brendon figured out some ninja way to play this
like it was a live webinar, so no skipping ahead to the 10
secrets. I can tell you they included:

Secret #2: Dig Deep, Align the Fenceposts (brilliant metaphor)
Secret #5: Focus on Distinction, Excellence and Service
Secret #8: Teach a Little, Charge a Lot

It's impossible to describe how much Brendon covered in
these 90 minutes. Just watch it - trust me.

The FAQs were awesome, too, including:

#5: What if I'm not a good "marketer" or "salesperson"?
#8: What if I don't have a platform or big list?
#10: What about the economy?

Personally, I think Brendon should cut this webinar up and
charge $197 for it. But whatever - the guy delivers and
that's why people keep following him.

This will take your career to the next level. You should
definitely model it for your business.

Enjoy the webinar!

-- Patrick


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